Kent & Hudson emerged from a unique blend of Tatyana's passion for luxury handbags and Brad's entrepreneurial flair. Inspired by the rising trend towards sustainable fashion and an increased appetite for affordable luxury, they saw an opportunity to democratize access to designer handbags through the luxury resale market.
Their journey began with meticulous market research to identify trends and brands that held substantial resale value. Starting with an initial collection of pre-loved designer bags sourced through personal networks and online auctions, each piece underwent rigorous examination and authentication to meet high standards of quality.
Embracing their personal experiences and consumer preferences, Tatyana and Brad decided to establish both an online platform and a physical boutique in the charming downtown of Safety Harbor, Florida. This dual presence ensures a comprehensive service experience, allowing customers to engage with, and appreciate the craftsmanship of each handbag in person.
At Kent & Hudson, our core values revolve around authenticity, exceptional quality, and complete customer satisfaction. We invite you to explore our curated collection of designer handbags, where luxury meets reliability.